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DCPI 325/2012
[2022] HKDC 13
甲、  簡介
1.  原告人曾超良曾受僱於被告人弘立書院有限公司(下稱「弘立」),任職技術主任,在被告人於薄扶林鋼綫灣道1 號的弘立書院(下稱「該學校」)工作。
2.  原告人於2009年3月7日在該學校地下一個放置室外冷氣機組的地方(下稱「該地方」)執行一項拍攝工作時受傷(下稱「該意外」)。與訟雙方在責任和索償金額方面均有爭議。
3.  原告人是親自行事,弘立則由何禮安大律師代表。
乙、  原告人的案情
4.  根據原告人的申索陳述書第五段,該意外於下述情況發生: —
“(a) On 7th March 2009, while in the course of his employment with the Defendant and under Defendant's instructions, the Plaintiff was instructed, inter alia, to take photo of the works undertaken by the subcontractors at the School.
(b) At the material times, whilst the Plaintiff was holding a camera and walking underneath a scaffolding platform, he stepped on the sands and debris on the floor thereby slipped and sprained and injured his back (“the Accident”).
(c) At the material times, there were a lot of waste and materials and debris and sands scattered and/ or stored improperly at the scene of the Accident in the School at where the Plaintiff was working.
(d) At the material times, the Plaintiff had not been provided with safety and/ or non-slippery shoes or the other protective equipments in kind by the Defendant.” [emphasis added]
5.  另外,根據原告人的證人陳述書第七段:—
「意外前我以往曾經來過此處抄水錶2 – 3次。當意外時,由於棚竹最低一支約有4 呎(高),固此我同樣彎腰打算通過時,腳部突然踏上夾雜沙石乾涸的泥漿,突然令我失去重心跣腳,我即時用腳頂實地面來支撐身體平衡,同時用力向上提升身體,但後背卻因此撞向棚竹,令我再彈回前方衝前,雙手先掙地繼而趴在地上。撞擊後一瞬間漆黑,我已感到休克,知道自己大叫一聲後已失去知覺。我不知過了多少時間,我聽到有人大叫的嘈吵聲才醒來。待我起身時已感腰部疼痛,而我亦停止再去拍照。由於已接近工作尾聲,我打點好工作後,在6時收工回家,放工後曾致電經理李先生表示發生了個意外,可能星期一視乎情況要看醫生。」(添加了重點)
6.  原告人聲稱該意外是因弘立疏忽、違反僱用合約的明訂條款或隱含條款、違反《佔用人法律責任條例》(Occupiers Liability Ordinance, Cap 314)、以及違反法定責任所引致。
丙、  本案的證據
7.  原告人於2014年6月5日作出了一份證人陳述書。被告人則由弘立案發時的項目經理李弼堂(下稱「李先生」)於2015年2月10日作出了一份證人陳述書,及由調查人員Ng Koon Yin於2018年1月2日作出了另外一份證人陳述書。以上的證人皆有出庭接受盤問。
8.  原告人於2014年10月8日接受張民冠醫生(受原告人方延聘)及葉國興醫生(受弘立方延聘)的檢測。兩位醫生分別於2015年3月21日及2018年9月8日作出了聯合骨科專家報告及補充聯合骨科專家報告。
9.  此外,原告人於2016年3月30日接受精神科專家周樂怡醫生(受原告人延聘)及余偉德醫生(受弘立延聘)檢驗。兩位醫生於2016年9月13日作出了聯合精神科專家報告。
10.  根據法庭於2021年1月21日作出的命令,除非正審法官另有命令,訴訟雙方的專家毋須出席審訊。由於訴訟雙方都沒有再申請要求專家出席審訊,也鑒於本案不是特別複雜,本席同意訴訟雙方的專家不必出席審訊。
丁、  責任問題
11.  綜觀所有證據,本席同意弘立的陳詞,原告人不是一個誠實可靠的證人,法庭不能穩妥倚賴他的證據。
12.  首先,正如弘立所述,原告人在案發後首3個月,他有多次機會提及該意外的經過,但均沒有提及「滑倒」及地上有「夾雜沙石乾涸的泥漿」或者其他的雜物。根據不同的醫療紀錄和文件,原告人提到的意外經過是如下:—
(1) 09/03/2009 活動下背時有痛楚,已有3天。在一個封閉的空間下彎腰
(2) 06/04/2009 請敘述意外如何發生及損傷性質,並說明僱員當時正在進行的工作。
(3) 06/04/2009 請詳細說明當日意外發生的經過及你是如何受傷的?受傷部位是那裏?(當日意外點樣發生?你點樣整親?整親邊度?)
(4) 15/04/2009 聲稱於2009年3月7日彎腰穿過欄杆時扭傷背部
(5) 28/04/2009 在當值時扭傷背部跌倒
(6) 12/05/2009 於2009年3月7日穿過一條低過腰間高度的通道時扭傷背
(7) 06/06/2009 2009年3月7日的工傷 – 背部撞到竹棚而向前跌倒。
(8) 22/06/2009 在行走時撞到物件後下背痛
13.  原告人是在其後才聲稱自己是滑/跣倒受傷。例如,他在2009年9月25日的勞工處會面紀錄提到:—
問20: 當時你是穿什麼鞋的?
答: 是穿普通波鞋,是我自己的。
問21: 你撞到的橫竹,距離地面幾高?
答: 大約米2至米3,高過本人的腰少少。
問22: 你知唔知點解會跌底?
答: 可能地面有啲沙,所以跣腳跌倒。」
14.  而雖然原告人在勞工處會面紀錄提及自己滑倒,但是他只是說「可能 地面有啲沙」。他直至在開始本案時才將重點轉移到他聲稱當時在地上出現的「夾雜沙石乾涸的泥漿」(見他上述的證人陳述書第七段)。
15.  勞工處和弘立事後都在該意外發生現場拍照。該地面上並未有任何泥漿。
16.  弘立的項目經理李先生在證人陳述書第7 – 11段有提及他就該意外的所知所聞。李先生指出在2009年3月7日下午5時,李先生收到原告人電話指原告人受傷,當時原告人只提及他彎腰過棚架時扭傷背,並沒有提及在地上踏到沙石泥漿而滑倒。李先生特別問及「你特別提及工傷,有無特別嘢嫁?」,而原告人回答「無乜嘢。」
17.  綜觀所有證據,本席並不認為原告人是因為地上有「夾雜沙石乾涸的泥漿」或者其他的雜物而「滑倒」,原告人背部受傷的原因最多是因為事發當天,當他彎腰穿過工作棚架時一下不小心受傷,只有這個原因才和事發後3個月的文件相符。
18.  在Fong Yuet Ha v Success Employment Services Ltd CACV 100/2012, 28 December 2012, 第17-21段,Kwan JA說:—
“17. There is no quarrel with the principle that an employer’s duty to provide a safe system of work is a personal and non-delegable duty. It was not the holding of the judge that where an employer is under an obligation to provide a safe system of work, such a duty could be shifted to the employee so that the employee could be expected to discharge this duty of providing a safe system of work for the employer. The general principle on the duty to prescribe a safe system of work may be found in this passage in Charlesworth & Percy on Negligence, 12th ed, para 11-67:
“It is a question of fact whether or not there is need for a system of work to be prescribed in any given circumstances. In deciding it, regard ought to be had to the nature of the work, that is whether properly it requires careful organisation and supervision, in the interests of safety of all those persons carrying it out; or it can be left by a prudent employer confidently to the care of the particular man on the spot to do it reasonably safely. There was no failure to provide a safe system where an employee was faced with a “one-off” task requiring the exercise of common sense and it was difficult to see what relevant instruction could have been given to him. But an employer is under a duty to prescribe a system of work, even where the operation is a single one, if it is necessary in the interests of safety.”
18. I note also that the last sentence in this passage in an earlier edition of this work was quoted by the Court of Final Appeal in Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd v Wong Sau Lai (2006) 9 HKCFAR 371 at para 15, a case relied on by Mr Wong to contend that a system of work should be devised by Success regarding the retrieval of items from the hanging cabinets.
19. As the passage quoted has made clear, it is a question of fact in each case whether it is necessary for the employer to devise a system of work for the task in hand. The judge decided that in the circumstances of this case, the need for a system of work to be prescribed was not made out. In paragraph 38 of the judgment quoted above, the judge referred to Winter v Cardiff Rural District Council and some of the cases in Hong Kong that applied this case. They were all situations where the court held on the facts that the operation was simple and it was reasonable that the employee could be trusted to exercise his common sense to carry out the operation without the need for the employer to prescribe a system of work or give specific instruction or advice how the task should be done.
20. The operation in Cheung Suk Wai v Attorney General was to put bags of refuse into refuse bins. It was held that it was for the cleaning worker to decide on how to carry out the operation in a way most suitable to her physical ability, including the weight of the bags she should carry at one time. In Tsang Yin Yuk v Nini Maternity Fashion Co Ltd, the shopkeeper stood on a stool to push a bag of clothing onto a shelf which was 4 feet deep. It was held that the task of putting bags containing clothing onto the shelf was not inherently dangerous, that the decision of how this should be done had to be taken frequently, and it was reasonable and natural that the decision be left to the employee on the spot, especially in light of the instruction given not to overfill the bags. In Chan Wai Ming v Tai Lee Café & Cake Shop, a chef tilted a heavy pot of boiled soup to pour the contents into a container, instead of using a ladle. The court held that this was a simple task that a chef of the plaintiff’s experience should require no guidance. Ng Kong v Golden Caterers Ltd, HCPI 206/2004, 3 February 2005, cited by the judge in the earlier parts of the judgment, was another case concerning a chef, who tried to pull a plate of fish out of a steaming oven, which he had done many times. The plaintiff complained that a stool was not provided for his use so he had to stand tiptoe. The judge found that a stool was provided but the plaintiff did not use it as it was handier to do without it and further observed that the plaintiff must know without specific instruction if he found he could not reach or comfortably reach a certain height required for his work and it was all a matter of common sense.
21. The judge was correct in holding that in the circumstances of this case, there was no need for the employer to prescribe a safe system of work or give specific advice for such an everyday act that could reasonably be trusted to the common sense of the employee to carry out the task safely. The retrieval of items on the upper shelf was simply not an inherently dangerous act, as contended by Mr Wong. Nor is there any merit in his contention that the judge must resolve the dispute whether Madam Fong had requested for a stepladder and was turned down, for the reasons given in paras 36 and 38 of the judgment that I have quoted earlier.” [emphasis added]
19.  此外,Fong Yuet Ha v Success Employment Services Ltd也被應用在Tsang Chung Ming v Caritas Hong Kong [2019] HKCFI 1035,見第13段。
20.  所以,雖然弘立是僱主,但是弘立並非需要在所有事項上給予員工訓練及指引。在簡單的事項上,弘立可以依賴原告人用常識判斷行事。本席認為,原告人在案發當天要彎腰穿過工作棚架正正是這樣的事情,這樣的事情原告人需要用他的常識去判斷,而不是倚賴弘立去教他怎麼做。
21.  根據以上所說,本席認為原告人的案情不成立,弘立並沒有疏忽,亦沒有違反僱用合約、《佔用人法律責任條例》或者違反法定責任,原告人的申索因此被撤銷。
22.  但假設本席以上的判斷是錯的,本席將需要判斷申索金額的問題。因此本席將會在下面繼續分析申索金額方面的問題。
戊、  申索金額問題
戊1、  有關傷勢的證據
23.  原告人於1973年2月3日出生。他在該意外時36歲。
24.  原告人在該意外後2天(即2009年3月9日)才第一次到徐頌慈醫生求診。雖然徐醫生建議給原告人2天病假,但原告人在2009年3月10日已經上班。其後,在2009年3月,他只在2009年3月18日及3月24日求診,每次請假1天。
25.  原告人入職弘立之後,表現未符期望。弘立多次勸喻原告人而沒有改進後決定辭退他。弘立於2009年4月3日致函原告人,通知他僱用合約於2009年4月4日中止。需要指出的是,本案並不牽涉任何弘立不合理辭退原告人的指控。
26.  及後,原告人在2009年4月6日向勞工處遞交工傷意外通知書,並開始放病假。
27.  從最初期的醫療紀錄可見,醫生認為原告人進度良好,傷勢輕微:—
(1)  中醫尹擇信在2009年3月16日及18日,2019年4月6日及8日均有診治原告人。尹中醫指出原告人接受治療後大有進展,傷患情況已經穩定;
(2)  原告人在2009年4月15日在青衣長康普通科門診診所求診。醫生指出原告人痛楚沒有蔓延,下肢力量沒有減弱,痛楚地方已減少,有真正的進度,沒有觸痛,主動活動能力正常(AROM full),下肢力量如常,步履如常;
(3)  原告人在2009年4月17日在青衣市區普通科門診診所求診。醫生指他的痛楚在服用止痛藥後已經變好,背部活動能力正常,背部被接觸時沒有觸痛。
28.  然而,原告人其後病情卻開始不合常理地變差,例如:—
(1)  2009年6月6日,蔡偉強醫生描述原告人的狀況如下:
Fleeting and migratory back pain, at area unrelated to contusion. No radiation. Sleep poor. Anxiety and a bit low mood. Worries about re-injury, compensation, rehabilitation, future employment, family ... BW stable and no suicidal thought. NO FLASH BACK about the injury. Doctor shopping around to see multiple orthopaedic surgeons.” [emphasis added]
(2)  2009年8月17日,仁濟醫院物理治療師記錄原告人攜帶拐杖;
(3)  2009年9月10日,仁濟醫院物理治療師有以下紀錄;
“Patient came today with severe hands tremor, emotion seems to be unstable. Refuse to express his problem and refuse objective assessment. After few minutes calm down period, able to show the painful region and listen to music by earphone and refuse to communicate to us, request us to communicate with him in written words”
(4)  原告人在2010年6月1日曾接受葉國興醫生檢查。葉醫生檢查時發現原告人的反應不合常理:
“5.1 No walking aid.
5.2 Mr. Tsang was standing with intermittent squatting throughout the assessment “because of low back pain”.
5.3 Insisted of using his right hand to support his lower back whilst seated momentarily during examination (Typical of inappropriate illness behavior)
5.4 He wore an occupational back support (Not likely to be medically prescribed as it is not the therapeutic type).
5.5 He was observed to be able to remove and put on clothes very briskly
5.6 Normal gait.
5.7 Completed full squat with mild hand support.
5.8 Able to walk and stand on tip-toes.
5.9 Said unable to stand on heel because of weakness, but able to walk on heel. (contradictory function)
5.10 Able to stand on single leg on both sides.
Lumbar spine
5.11 Said unable to bend forward because of pain. (He was also to be able to sit on a chair with both of his legs on a high stool which is equivalent to bending of 80° and equivalent to straight leg raising of 80° of both sides.)
5.12 Extension 10°
5.13 Lateral flexion was able to reach to his mid thigh only both sides but the movements were brisk and abruptly stopped at the alleged end point.
5.14 Reported pain over the TL junction with non-specific diffuse back tenderness that the reporting of tenderness was repeatedly delayed.
Cervical spine
5.15 Reported pain over a right neck paraspinal area
5.16 Extension 40°.
5.17 Flexion 60°
5.18 Rotation 30° on both sides. (Much less than observed when talking during the assessment.)
5.19 Lateral flexion 10° on both sides due to pain.” [emphasis added]
(5)  2010年8月2日,原告人到仁濟醫院骨科求診。韋玉良醫生指出原告人的痛楚沒有器質性的成因(Problem – ie no organic cause for the pain)。
29.  根據僱員補償(普通評估)委員會於2014年11月6日發出的表格9,原告人因腰背受傷引致腰背疼痛及左下肢麻痺,頸部疼痛及僵硬,及輕微抑鬱症,由於受傷需於2009年3月9、10(但原告人實際上有上班)、18、24日,2009年6月22日至2011年10月17日,2011年12月14日至2012年3月8日放病假。
30.  根據2017年6月16日的經修訂損害賠償陳述書,原告人聲稱於2009年3月9日至2013年2月17日期間共得病假1,483天。
31.  原告人於2014年10月8日接受張民冠醫生(受原告人方延聘)及葉國興醫生(受弘立方延聘)的檢測。在檢測期間,葉醫生指出原告人的症狀誇張而沒有器質性原因:—
“78. Dr Yip opines that such subjective complaints are psychosomatic. No organic cause has been found. The original alleged mechanism of injury is inconsistent.
79. Dr Yip opines that the severity of the alleged disability made at this joint assessment is not supported by the medical bundle.”
32.  張醫生認為原告人可能因為有精神病致使他提出這些症狀,應由精神科醫生檢測。
33.  兩位骨科專家同意以下各點:—
(1)  診斷:該意外只引致下背痛。原告人其後聲稱的頸及上背痛和該意外無關;
(2)  治療:原告人已接受恰當治療。然而葉醫生認為如原告人只是普通的扭傷,大部分的治療都不必要,可能是因為原告人的虛假投訴而開始的;
(3)  工作能力:原告人可以重返他在該意外前的工作,唯張醫生認為他的工作效率會降低。
34.  兩位骨科專家在下列各點有分歧:—
(1)  病假:張醫生認為病假應該到18個月為止,而長期病假可能因精神病所致。葉醫生認為合理病假最多為6週;
(2)  全人損失百分比:張醫生評定為4.5%,葉醫生評定為0%。
35.  原告人於2016年3月30日接受精神科專家周樂怡醫生(受原告人延聘)及余偉德醫生(受弘立延聘)檢驗。兩位醫生認為原告人智力正常,專注力和集中力良好,能明白他聽到的指示,能就問題給予恰當回應,能良好表達自己。唯原告人接受測試時,他無法在5分鐘後記住3個名詞(老虎,雪櫃,火車)。另外,他在回應簡單的數學問題時的反應非常緩慢。
36.  周醫生和余醫生同意原告人有伴隨焦慮和憂鬱混合心情的適應障礙症(adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood),可以返回他該意外前的工作(周醫生認為原告人的工作效率會輕微降低,余醫生認為原告人的工作效率不會受該意外影響)。
37.  兩位醫生有以下分歧:—
(1)  成因:周醫生認為該意外引致原告人所有的精神問題。余醫生認為原告人於2009年4月3日被辭退,這件事可能是引致他誇大病情的導火線,而他其後的精神病狀況亦可能是因他想誇大症狀所致;
(2)  額外治療:周醫生建議原告人每月接受精神科及臨床心理治療,為期6個月。余醫生認為原告人不應再去精神科診所覆診;
(3)  病假:周醫生認為原告人應在2011年5月26日第一次接受精神科治療後有6個月假期。余醫生認為原告人不需要病假;
(4)  全人損失百分比:周醫生評定為4%,余醫生評定為0%。
38.  根據原告人的經修訂損害賠償陳述書及弘立的陳詞,雙方在賠償金額的立場如下:—
(1) 疼痛、痛苦及喪失生活樂趣損失(下稱「PSLA」)
(2) 審前收入損失
(3) 未來收入損失
(4) 喪失賺取收入能力的賠償
(5) 審前特別項目賠償
(6) 未來醫藥費
(7) 小計
(8) 扣減共分疏忽
(9) 扣減已支付按期付款及醫療費用
(10) 總數(未計利息)
39.  需要指出,原告人同意弘立已支付按期付款及醫療費用為港幣385,950.11元。
40.  綜合所有證據,本席認為葉醫生和余醫生的意見更合常理,也更和其他的醫療紀錄相符,本席因此採納葉醫生和余醫生的意見。
戊2、  PSLA
41.  本席考慮過弘立提供的案例,包括:—
(1)  Lau Wa Ying v Caritas – Hong KongDCPI 2885/2014;
(2)  Pak Siu Hin Simon v J. V. Fitness Ltd HCPI 574/2014;
(3)  Chiu Man Chi v Motorola Asia Pacific Limited HCPI 150/2011。
42.  原告人在該意外後工作如常,直至2天後才第一次求診,而在他被弘立解僱前的4週只放了3天病假。本席認為原告人的傷患只是輕微。港幣100,000元是恰當的PSLA金額。
戊3、  審前收入損失
43.  原告人在2009年4月3日和弘立解約前的月薪為港幣16,000元。
44.  葉醫生認為病假最多只是6週,正如以上所說,本席接納葉醫生的意見。
45.  因此,原告人的審前收入損失是港幣16,000元 x 42/30 x 1.05 = 港幣23,520元。
戊4、  未來收入損失
46.  根據葉醫生和余醫生的意見,本席同意原告人不應獲得任何未來收入損失。
戊5、  喪失賺取收入能力的賠償
47.  在 Yu Kok Wing v Lee Tim Loi [2001] 2 HKLRD 306中,上訴法庭法官祁彥輝在311I-312G 指出原告人要證明他的傷患令他有重大或真實的風險會失去他現在的工作,才可得到喪失賺取收入能力的賠償。
48.  如上文所述,原告人的傷患只是輕微,不應該影響到看他現在的工作(如果有)。本席因此同意原告人不應獲得任何喪失賺取收入能力的賠償。
戊6、  審前特別項目賠償
49.  原告人申索醫療費用港幣159,682元,交通費港幣12,000元,補品港幣15,000元,及其他費用港幣70,000元。
50.  根據葉醫生的意見 ,原告人的病假最多只應是6週。此外,考慮原告人的項目很多都沒有文件證明,也考慮到原告人並沒有行動問題,在該意外後3個月大部分時間都是到公立醫院求診,亦沒有入院,本席同意弘立的陳詞,認為港幣10,000元已經是足夠的賠償。
戊7、  未來醫藥費
51.  兩位骨科醫生都認為原告人不需要接受治療。此外,本席接納余醫生的意見,認為原告人不需要接受任何精神科治療。因此,原告人不應在此項目得到任何賠償。
52.  總結以上各項 ,本席認為原告人應該得到的賠償金額為如下:—
(11) 疼痛、痛苦及喪失生活樂趣損失(下稱「PSLA」)
(12) 審前收入損失
(13) 未來收入損失
(14) 喪失賺取收入能力的賠償
(15) 審前特別項目賠償
(16) 未來醫藥費
(17) 小計
(18) 扣減已支付按期付款及醫療費用
(19) 總數(未計利息)
己、  總結
53.  在結案陳詞之後,原告人於2022年1月3日提出新的陳詞及證據,又於2022年1月6日向被告人提出額外的質詢,更於2022年1月11日要求再次傳召專家證人,本席認為原告人沒有合理理由在結案陳詞之後再提出如此新的陳詞、證據和請求,本席因此不會接納。
54.  根據以上所說 ,原告人的申索因此被撤銷。
55.  另外,假設原告人能證明弘立有責任賠償,本席認為原告人應得的賠償金額為零。
56.  本席暫准訟費命令如下。因為原告人的申索被撤銷,弘立是這件案件的勝訴一方,這件案件的訟費(包括了弘立在2021年12月23日的訟費)連大律師證書因此歸於弘立。除非任何一方在14天內以傳票提出申請更改,以上的暫准訟費命令將會成為絕對命令。
57.  最後,本席感謝何禮安大律師陳辭。

( 卓元暢 )

原告人: 沒有律師代表,並親自應訊
被告人: 由范紀羅江律師行延聘何禮安大律師代表


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